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Seawolf Submarines and Detection System of Prototype Hydrophone FAHSBS

USS Seawolf (SSN-21), the lead ship of her class, is the fourth submarine of the United States Navy named for the seawolf, a solitary fish with strong, prominent teeth and projecting tusks that give it a savage look. The contract to build her was awarded to the Electric Boat Division

US Army M1A1 Tank and Leopard TNI AD to Aplication Satellite Technology

A U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams tank heads out on a mission from Forward Operating Base MacKenzie in Iraq on October 27, 2004. The Abrams and its crew are assigned to Bravo Troop, 1st Battalion, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division

LAND M1134 Stryker

The overall program is a USMC ACAT class III effort, but will be managed by the US Army’s TACOM. TACOM has experience with their own modern M1134 Stryker ATGM, which is based on the non-amphibious LAV-III platform Canada operates

Missile Defense Threatened

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 has several disturbing provisions, in addition to the widely discussed Section 1031 and 1032, which would nominally expand the battlefront in the war on terror to U.S. soil

Interceptor Missile

Defense contractor Lockheed Martin is getting ready to test an interceptor missile plainly dubbed the Multiple Kill Vehicle,It's designed to destroy not only the enemy's re-entry vehicle (intercontinental ballistic missile) but also all the warheads it may contain, including the fake ones meant to deceive U.S. defenses

Media Sosial ASEAN

Gagasan Presiden RI : ASEAN harus memperbesar penggunaan Twitter, Facebook dan Media Sosial lainnya untuk melibatkan warganya di wilayah ini, termasuk menyatakan dukungannya untuk pembentukan masyarakat blogger ASEAN

Uji Coba Prototipe FAHSBS sebagai Teknologi Sistem Deteksi Kapal Selam

Rekayasa sistem rancangan sotware dari prototipe FAHSBS ini dapat menentukan, menghitung dan mengukur beberapa parameter hasil pendetekasian terhadap kapal selam sebagai target, yaitu : jarak, kedalaman, baringan atau arah, ambient noise, self noise, seismic dan identifikasi dari target kapal selam atau bukan kapal selam, dan termasuk prototipe FAHSBS ini mampu menampilkan sistem klasifikasi dari kapal selam sebagai target dan termasuk klasifikasi target bawah laut selain kapal selam.

Kemandirian Teknologi Pertahanan

Prototipe FAHSBS ini dirancang berdasarkan Iptek gelombang suara atau akustik bawah laut, dengan source level dalam bentuk gelombang akustik yang dipancarkan oleh kapal selam sebagai targetnya akan mengalami proses sound propagation dan selanjutnya menghasilkan sound ray diagrams dan transmissions paths. Konsep dasar dari rancangan prototipe FAHSBS adalah terdiri dari The 5 basic transmissions modes : Isovelocity structure, Negative sound speed gradient, Positive sound speed gradient, Negative gradient over positive.


Buku Indonesia Emergensi, 3 Sumbu Mega Ancaman (Early Warning Threaten Of 21 St Century) Materi 1 2

Asean Damai | 09.57 |

Menyongsong HUT Kemerdekaan RI ke-67

Oleh : Mayor Ir. M. Binsar Pane, MM
Edisi Khusus - Rangkuman Buku  :


Menyongsong Peringatan HUT Kemerdekaan RI ke – 67 (17 Agustus 2012) 
Mengenang kembali semangat kebangsaan dan gelora perjuangan para pahlawan kesuma bangsa dengan keringat dan tetesan darah disekujur tubuhnya tetap menerjang maju terus ke medan pertempuran, diiringi jeritan tangis dan pekikan merdeka......merdeka....merdeka.....hidup atau mati, akhirnya Boedi Oetomo Bapak Kebangkitan Nasional bersama seluruh rakyat menghantarkan Indonesia ke depan pintu gerbang kemerdekaannya.  Mungkinkah generasi penerus bangsa sebagai anak-cucu para pahlawan yang mulia, dengan  pengorbanan jiwa dan raganya dapat menyelamatkan bangsa dan negara dari mega ancaman bahaya yang menghadang....?. 

Termasuk sebagai sumbangan pemikiran dan kontribusi konkrit terhadap proses pelaksanaan hasil dari KTT Asean ke-18 dan Sidang ke-5 ADDM pada 17-20 Mei 2011

Sebuah inovasi dan trobosan sebagai peringatan dini dan kewaspadaan nasional untuk
menyelamatkan Indonesia dari 3 Sumbu Mega Ancaman yang segera akan terjadi,
sekaligus menjadikan renungan dan pemikiran menuju konsolidasi untuk
 mewujudkan wawasan nasional, semangat kebangsaan dan persatuan
sehingga akan tercipta kembali etika dan moral nasional yang
 kuat untuk percepatan kemajuan pembangunan Indonesia.
Intisari Penulisan  :      
* Upaya penyelamatan yang serius dan fokus terhadap situasi “Indonesia Emergensi”
* Membangkitkan Semangat Kejuangan, Persatuan dan Nasionalisme
* Strategik Global Pertahanan Indonesia (SGPI) Abad 21
* Paradigma Era Baru Perang Abad 21, Penjajahan dan Kejahatan Global
* Inovasi dan Trobosan Mengatasi Konflik dan Menciptakan Perdamaian Asean             
* Kekayaan SDA sangat besar pada Extended Jurisdiction dan Over-Lapping Areas
* Analisa Gempa dan Tsunami serta Inovasi Manajemen Keselamatan Bencana
* Selat Sunda dan Krakatau Ancaman Besar Jakarta Ibukota Negara
* Kekuatan Militer adalah Perisai Melindungi dan Menyelamatkan Rakyat
* Strategi  Pesawat Tempur Super Strike and Attack
* Penerapan Teknologi Cyber Space-vs-Insiden Penerbangan yang meningkat
* Pengamanan dan Penyelamatan Penerbangan terhadap Space Crime and Sabotage
* Inovasi dan Prototipe Teknologi Anti Kapal Selam
* Ancaman Besar Pertahanan Bawah Laut Sangat Lemah
* Penegakan Hukum adalah Tonggak Kemajuan Pembangunan
* Konsep Membangkitkan Semangat Persatuan dan Nasionalisme
* Pemikiran dan Masukan pada Transportasi Udara Indonesia
* Beberapa Inovasi dan Rancang Bangun Teknologi Terapan
* Pemanfaatan, Penerapan Teknologi dalam bidang Pertahanan dan Bencana Alam


Asean Damai | 13.33 |

TOKYO: Japan's defence minister on Friday warned Tokyo could send troops to a chain of East China Sea islands at the centre of a territorial row with China if the simmering dispute escalated. Satoshi Morimoto said Tokyo's position had not changed, but confirmed that it would use force to defend the islands known as Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese.

"Senkaku or not, defence of islands is principally conducted by the coastguard and police," Morimoto told reporters in Tokyo.  "However, the law stipulates that Self-Defense Forces troops can act" if local authorities are unable to handle the situation.  His comments came a day after Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda told parliament he would take "stern actions" against any "illegal actions" on Japanese territory.

"If illegal actions are made by neighbouring countries in our territorial soil and waters, including Senkaku, we will take stern actions including using of Self-Defense Force troops, if necessary," Noda said Thursday.  "(But) it is important that we adopt a solid crisis-management framework and make diplomatic efforts to prevent situations from developing to such an extent," he added.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura, the government's top spokesman, played down Noda's remarks on Friday, saying he had just responded to a hypothetical question about a Chinese military attack.  "Prime Minister Noda was referring to a theoretical possibility and referred to the use of Self-Defense Forces troops," Fujimura said, adding that the remark was not specifically directed at China.

Tensions between the two countries rose earlier this month after Chinese vessels twice entered waters near the resource-rich islands, which are claimed by Beijing and Tokyo.   Japan lodged two formal complaints with Beijing last week and summoned the Chinese ambassador to Japan in protest.  The uninhabited outcrops were the scene of a particularly nasty spat in late 2010 when Japan arrested a Chinese trawlerman who had rammed two of its coastguard vessels.

Tensions spiked in April after controversial Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara, an outspoken critic of Beijing, called for Tokyo to buy the islands from their Japanese owner.  Japan's premier has said the central government was also considering buying the island chain, sparking an angry response from Beijing.

ASEAN Navies Hold Maritime Security Information, Sharing Exercise 1

Asean Damai | 13.28 |

SINGAPORE : For the first time, ASEAN navies have come together for an exercise to enhance maritime information sharing. The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) are co-hosting the inaugural ASEAN Maritime Security Information-Sharing Exercise (AMSISX) from July 8 to 10. Chief of Navy Rear-Admiral (RADM) Ng Chee Peng and Chief of Naval Staff of the Indonesian Navy Admiral (ADM) Soeparno officiated at the opening ceremony of the exercise at the Changi Command and Control Centre on Monday afternoon, with navy chiefs from Brunei, Malaysia and Thailand in attendance. 

About 60 personnel from the ASEAN navies will be participating in the inaugural exercise, which is conducted from the Changi Command and Control Centre as well as various naval operations centres in the region. The participants of the exercise, based in Singapore and their respective countries' operations centres, will be linked up through the ASEAN Information-Sharing Portal (AIP). Launched during the opening ceremony, the AIP provides a common platform for all ASEAN navies to share maritime security-related information in the region and enhance information-sharing procedures among the ASEAN countries. 

The development of the AIP, which involved the ASEAN navies, was led by the RSN and the TNI AL. The AMSISX aims to enhance regional maritime security and promote information-sharing among the ASEAN navies. The exercise will see participants sharing information to tackle various maritime security scenarios such as piracy, sea robbery and maritime terrorism. The participation of the ASEAN navies in the exercise reflects their strong commitment to multilateral cooperation and the promotion of regional maritime security.